I need a Textbook for my class


Go to the Library catalog to search the library’s collection to see if the library has a copy and what the lending policy is (2-hour, 7-day, 28-day). Check the library website for current hours. 

If we don't have a copy that can be checked out, some alternate options may be:

  1. Apply to receive free student resources, such as a free laptop, textbook vouchers, food assistance, housing referrals, and more from City Cares.

  2. Check our library eBook collection to see if we have a copy.

  3. Check book platforms such as BookScouterRedShelf, Vitalsource or Amazon for low-cost rental or used copies.

  4. Find out if you are eligible for Book Vouchers (Financial AidLACC FoundationEOPS, etc). These vouchers can be used in the LACC Campus Bookstore to purchase your textbooks. 
  5. Check the Facebook group "Too Broke to Afford Books LACC" or Facebook Marketplace to purchase a used copy from another student.
  6. Check if the Los Angeles Public Library has a copy that you can borrow.
  7. Ask your instructor if they have any suggestions. 

Chat with a Librarian for additional assistance.

  • Last Updated Jan 04, 2022
  • Views 1134
  • Answered By George Martinez

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