What is OneSearch and how do I use it?


OneSearch is the Martin Luther King, Jr. Library's new search platform. It enables you to search multiple library resources in one place for print books, electronic books, textbooks, articles, and more. Try the Advanced Search option to limit your searches by subject, title, author, material type and publication year.

OneSearch logo red magnifying glass with text


OneSearch will include in your search results:

  • Print Books
    • Reserves (2 hour use in the library)
    • Stacks (4 week checkout)
    • Books from other colleges in the district
  • Electronic Books
  • Online Articles & Media
    • Online resources from the library's subscribed online databases
    • Online resources from selected open access (free & full text on the internet) collections and databases
    • Filter for Scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles
  • The MLK Library has access to over 50 databases. OneSearch searches across most, but not all of the library’s resources. You may still search through our individual databases on our library’s A-Z Database List. Some resources not included in OneSearch: LA Times database, Statista, Films on Demand, a small percentage of EBSCO’s content.
  • No login or password is required to search, however you may sign in to request books, view loans & fees, and to pin favorite items to your account. To view online materials in full-text you will be prompted to login with your college credentials.
  • OneSearch is the same system used by the other California community colleges (CCC) and state universities (CSU). So once you learn how to find the research resources you need while you are a student here at LACC, you will not need to learn a new system if you transfer to another CCC or CSU. OneSearch is also used in libraries in many other state colleges and universities, as well as some public libraries and some international institutions.
  • Last Updated Apr 23, 2024
  • Views 246
  • Answered By George Martinez

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