How do I borrow a book from the library?


The Library does not issue library cards; to borrow library materials you need to present your LACC Cub ID card or Student ID from any of the LACCD nine campuses. Alternatively, if your Student ID is missing, an Unofficial Enrollment Verification plus one other current form of picture identification (e.g. California ID, California driver’s license, or a current passport) will be accepted. 

Reserve Textbooks are for 2-hour use in the library; Circulation Desk Materials may be checked out for 7-days; Books in the Stacks may be checked for for 28 days. 

College employees must complete an MLK Library Card Application and show a valid LACC Cub Card ID for Faculty or Staff in order to obtain a library card.

  • Last Updated Oct 05, 2021
  • Views 416
  • Answered By George Martinez

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