Textbook Information: BookSaver
SBVC Bookstore: (909) 384-4435, bkstr.com/sbvccstore BookSaver information: sbccd.edu/booksaver
Check on your required textbooks by entering your student ID on the SBVC Bookstore website.
Not in BookSaver: If you’re not enrolled in the BookSaver program, you can purchase or rent textbooks from the SBVC Bookstore or from reliable websites. The library and STEM-MESA have a limited collection of textbooks that can be used on site.
In BookSaver: If you’re in BookSaver, check your school email account for information from the SBVC Bookstore. Search for Follett, BryteWave, or Redshelf if you don’t see the email. Some ebooks can be accessed through the BryteWave website: • Go to brytewave.redshelf.com
• Select the Log In button in the upper right. • Select Forgot Password or go to brytewave.redshelf.com/accounts/forgot/
• Use your SBVC email address to reset your password.