Can I check out laptops, calculator, or other technology?


Laptops and Internet Hotspots: We have a limited number of laptops and internet hotspots that Cuyamaca students can borrow for the semester. The internet hotspots will provide a separate internet service from your home service to use for school work. Students will need to ask a Cuyamaca faculty or staff member to fill out a request form for the current semester. Best bet is to ask an instructor or councilor. Laptops and hotspots will be available for pick up after the semester starts, they cannot be picked up before the semester starts

Some programs have their own laptops or other technology that be checked out through the library. Students must be enrolled in classes from those programs or be active members of the program's services. Those programs are EOPS, Umoja, Scholar's Program, Calworks, Engineering, Graphic Design, and  Ornamental Horticulture. Check with each program for the restrictions on who can check out the technology. Requests for a program's technology that do not come from that program will be denied.

Employees can access the form on the CC Faculty Resources homepage on Canvas. Or by contacting the Circulation at If no options are available when filling out the form, that means we have reached our limit on those resources and they are no longer available.

Calculators: The calculators check out for the semester and there is a sign up at the start of each semester before they can be checked out. Once the calculators are set for being checked out, bring your Student ID number, proof of enrollment in a Cuyamaca math class required, and on the BOG list. Either have a print out of your class schedule or just be logged into the Canvas class or Self-Service on your phone.

We also have calculators that can be checked out for a single day.

  • Last Updated Feb 11, 2025
  • Views 18
  • Answered By Ross Takasugi

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