Can I check out laptops, calculator, or other technology?


Laptops and Internet Hotspots: We have a limited number of laptops and internet hotspots that Cuyamaca students can borrow for the semester. The internet hotspots will provide a separate internet service from your home service to use for school work. Students will need to ask a Cuyamaca faculty or staff member to fill out a request form for the current semester. Best bet is to ask an instructor or councilor. 

Some programs have their own laptops or other technology that be checked out through the library. Students must be enrolled in classes from those programs or be active members of the program's services. Those programs are EOPS, Umoja, Scholar's Program, Calworks, Engineering, Graphic Design, and  Ornamental Horticulture. Check with each program for the restrictions on who can check out the technology. Requests for a program's technology that do not come from that program will be denied.

The employee can access the form here:

Calculators: Are available for semester checkout will be made available for Cuyamaca math students through a lottery system at the start of each semester. We do have calculators available for a one day checkout as well during library open hours. Your name, your student ID number, and proof of enrollment in a Cuyamaca math class is required, bring a print out or show on your phone or laptop using Self-Service or Canvas.

  • Last Updated Oct 01, 2024
  • Views 8
  • Answered By Ross Takasugi

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